Who's Involved

Who's Involved

Food4Fife Partnership

The Good Food Nation (Scotland) Act 2022 placed a duty on the Scottish Government and certain public bodies, including the local authority and health board, to produce a Good Food Nation plan. Public bodies must report progress every 2 years and review the plan every 5 years. Once the relevant provisions of the Good Food Nation (Scotland) Act requiring relevant authorities to publish a good food nation plan have been commenced we will use the Food4Fife strategy as a valuable first step towards producing our own good food nation plan.

To transform Fife’s food system into one that is healthy and sustainable, Fife needs a joined-up strategic approach and committed long-term collaboration. This needs to happen between individuals and organisations across every sector and at every level; from community grassroots and third sector organisations to businesses and council leaders.

Food 4 Fife Partnership members

  • Jo-Anne Valentine  
    NHS Fife and Chair of Food4Fife Partnership
  • Cllr Jan Wincott  
    Fife Council’s Spokesperson for Environment and Climate Change
  • Cllr Jean Hall Muir  
    Co-Chair of Dunfermline Greenspace SCIO and  Cllr for Dunfermline Central.
  • Geraldine O Riordan  
    Climate Action Fife/ FCCAN Project Manager Community Food Team, Greener Kirkcaldy
  • Craig Leitch
    Fife Climate Hub (Project manager)
  • Geoffrey Proudlock  
    Fife College (Director, Faculty of Business, Enterprise and Tourism)
  • Lawrie Wilkinson
    Fife College (Food Procurement)
  • Carolyn Bell  
    Fife Council and Food Coordinator for Food4Fife
  • Lauren Bennett  
    Fife Council (Policy Officer)
  • Hazel Cross  
    Fife Council (Economic Development)
  • Tariq Ditta  
    Fife Council (Head of Facility Management Service)
  • Peter Duncan  
    Fife Council (Allotment and Community Growing Officer)
  • Graeme Ferguson  
    Fife Council (Economic Development)
  • Derek Hamilton  
    Fife Council (Procurement)
  • Jacqui Lambert  
    Fife Council (Procurement)
  • Shirlie McKie  
    Fife Council (Service Manager – Hospitality)
  • Hugh Muschamp  
    Fife Council (Climate Change Zero Waste Lead Officer)
  • Kevin Okane  
    Fife Council (Greenspace Partnership Officer)
  • Pamela Stevenson    
    Fife Council (Enterprise & Business Development Manager)
  • Sheena Watson
    Fife Council (Community Investment)
  • Fiona Lockett
    Fife Health & Social Care Partnership (Senior Health Promotion Officer - Food and Health)
  • Vicki Bennett  
    NHS Fife
  • Jimmy Ramsay  
    NHS Fife (Head of Sustainability)
  • Lorraine Hartley  
    NHS National Services Scotland (Procurement)
  • Yvonne Batehup  
    NHS Scotland (Catering lead)
  • Sarah Cutler  
    St Andrews University (Procurement)
  • Kate Maitland
    NFUS Fife
  • Johnnie Balfour
    Balbirnie Home farms
  • Sam Parsons
    Balcaskie Estate
  • Rachel Ives
    Balmerino Farm
  • Lynne Ogilvie-Niven
    Falkland Estate
  • Bryde Marshall
    Falkland Kitchen Farm
  • Ninian Stewart          
    Falkland Trust
  • Philip Sheane
    Toll farm
  • Andrew Whitley
    Chair of Bread for Good Community Benefit Society (Scotland the Bread)
  • Lynsey Cochrane  
    Scotland the bread

The Food4Fife Partnership are working with Nourish Scotland and the Fork to Farm dialogues. These dialogues bring Fife farmers, members of the National Farmers Union and Food4Fife members together to build a platform for learning, knowledge-sharing, and opportunities.

They are held monthly. To join these dialogues please contact Carolynm.bell@fife.gov.uk

Fork to Farm Dialogues

Nourish Scotland is a charity focusing on food policy and practice. Nourish and the National Farmers Union recently published a report on Farming for 1.5 degrees which sets out suggested stages and lists several approaches to meeting the ambitious target of the Scottish Government to reach zero-Carbon by 2045.

Nourish Scotland

Help bring about change where you live

Joining a local group taking action on climate change can bring about the biggest impacts. Some local groups are listed below. All these groups belong to a network of groups called Fife Communiities Climate Action Network (FCCAN)

Let's tackle climate change together

Find out more about what Fife is doing to take on our climate emergency