Our Fife
Leadership Summits 2022

Recordings from the Leadership Summits Stocktake

Leadership Stocktake feedback illustration

Leadership Summits Masterclass Sessions

A series of 90-minute masterclasses are running alongside these sessions. These sessions are virtual and open to a wider leaders and managers across The Fife Partnership.

Find out more about the masterclasses

Our Fife Leadership Summits 2022 is a series of focused conversations on public service redesign involving 100 leaders across the Fife Partnership.

Working with colleagues, and building on progress to date, leaders will explore :

  • the intent behind our vision for Fife
  • our common purpose
  • the practical steps we need to take over the next three years to turn that vision into reality

The significant and increasing social and financial challenge faced prior to the pandemic is growing. Our public services need to be fit for the future, sustainable and co-produced with communities if we are to address inequalities and boost life chances for all.

Anything is possible. There are no blueprints, all that's needed is ambition and a willingness to look at whole system change across the four key areas of strategic change the Partnership has already agreed:

  1. No wrong door
  2. Building community wealth
  3. Health and wellbeing
  4. Working for Place

You can find further reading under each of these conversation topics.

Leadership Conversation Topics