Community food

Community Food

Building public awareness, active food citizenship and a local good food movement

A shift towards healthier and more sustainable food requires high public awareness of food issues and widespread participation in food-related activity, by both individuals and institutions, as part of a growing movement of active food citizenship.

Key to achieving this is:

  • Communications and events that can inspire people about the role, importance and joy of good food and practical engagement opportunities such as growing, cooking and sharing food in every community.
  • A facilitated network through which food actors of every kind can connect and collaborate online and in person as part of a local good food movement.

The ambition for Community Food in Fife is for a Good Food Movement. This is about connecting people through community food networks, increasing skills that nurture a positive food culture, increasing community spaces for growing and harvesting, and encouraging innovation in the production and distribution of community grown food.

Fife’s Good Food Movement is about building public awareness, increasing participation, and supporting people’s access to information and resources regarding their local food spaces. Such a culture shift towards healthier and more sustainable food requires not only awareness of food issues and widespread participation in food-related activities, but also how these activities affect the climate.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in successful collaborations between the private, public, and third sectors (retail, catering, and food producers). Fife currently hosts a whole range of community food provision projects, ranging from larders and pantries to food banks and community cafes.

Fife will build on the positive work already achieved and continue to foster a good food movement, by:

Connecting People

Gathering existing knowledge of community food networks; promoting social events such as lunch clubs and community meals; a Fife-wide mapping project; and heritage projects.

Increasing Skills

Building and enhancing a positive food culture through food education, food growing, cooking classes and connections with local farms. The goal is to coordinate a programme of community events and workshops on food growing (whether its people going in their own gardens at home or in community gardens/ orchards). The programme would cover a multitude of different topics - how to get started, how to keep it cost-effective, how to cook what’s been grown (spade to spoon).

Growing & Harvesting

Utilising community spaces for food growing. There are many opportunities for food growing beyond allotments, such as private gardens, community gardens, orchards, and school and church grounds.

Producing & Distributing

Adopting the Community Wealth Building approach by redirecting surplus produce to community pantries and supporting the establishment of community shops, market gardens, and community food-based business initiatives (for example, by selling jams, chutneys and juices made from local produce). In and beyond Fife, there are community shops which encourage bulk buying to reduce costs and waste. Fife can learn from communities at home and across the country that are taking over empty premises and turning them into community shops, with examples like Community Shop, Dunshalt, Locavore, and Nature (an Ayr-based bakery).