Quit Your Way - Fife Stop Smoking Service

Want to stop smoking but don't know where to start - help is at hand! Whatever your age, however much you smoke or for however long - It's never too late to stop and you will feel better when you start your quit journey with us.

We would love to support you to Quit Smoking In Fife so get in touch to see one of our friendly trained advisors, we have local clinics where we will see you 1:1.

If you are busy during the week we also have clinics on a Saturday

If you can't make it to a clinic, why not pop into a Quit Your Way Pharmacy. All Community Pharmacies in Fife offer 1-1 stop smoking support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (such as nicotine patches, lozenges, inhalator or gum) for up to 12 weeks.

Call us on 0800 025 3000 for more information, alternatively, you can contact us via email on: fife.smokingcessation@nhs.scot