Glenrothes Area

The Glenrothes area covers 100km(7% of Fife). It has a population of 50,492 (14% of our total). The population in this area is predicted to increase 4% by 2036 however, in the same period, the number of older people is set to increase by 46%, from 9,503 to 13,874.

Requirements for these changing demographics - for example health facilities  are seen as a particular strategic challenge, along with changing employment sectors and creating better connections to outlying areas.

People particularly want to see improvements in: work and economy; traffic and parking; facilities and amenities.

The Plan 4 Glenrothes was approved at Local Area Committee in April 2019.

Read the full Plan 4 Glenrothes.

Know Glenrothes Area

Key research reports about the area:

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