Leading economic recovery

Leading economic recovery

Across the world the Covid-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on economies. Recovering from this in Fife will require a concerted effort, which recognises that the impact of the pandemic remains uncertain, but is likely to increase as business support schemes to relieve the short-term effects of the pandemic end. Other factors, such as the UK’s exit from the EU, will also have an impact.

This means:

Current position

Against a background of difficulties in achieving a step-change in economic improvement, especially in mid-Fife, over many years, the longer-term impact of Covid-19 will increase the challenges we face. These issues are often generational and reach back to changes in Fife’s traditional industries decades ago. Therefore, short term or ‘quick-fix’ solutions are unlikely to be effective. Pre-Covid it was expected that poverty in Fife would continue to rise. As government Covid-19 relief schemes end, it is anticipated that unemployment and its effects will increase further. There is also uncertainty about how working life may be affected, with more people working from home and changes to existing businesses’ operating models that are yet to be fully seen. This means we will need a strong approach to supporting the recovery of the economy while at the same time supporting our workforce and our young people.

Main changes and challenges

  • Moving to a community wealth building approach to economic development may pose a challenge for more traditional economic development activity
  • Achieving inclusive, net zero, and sustainable prosperity, especially in areas that have been structurally resistant to improvement
  • Ensuring that economic activity in Fife is improving faster than the rest of Scotland
  • Supporting the Fife workforce through possible changes resulting from new ways of working postCovid
  • Supporting technological and digital innovation together with skills

How we will achieve this

Supporting a recovery in business numbers and employment levels

Promoting investment-led, sustainable, economic growth - particularly in mid-Fife

Recovery and growth of the tourism sector

Revived and re-purposed town centres

Sustaining and improving employment opportunities, especially for young people

Enhancing and maintaining Fife’s infrastructure

Investing in inclusive digital innovation and skills