The Kirkcaldy area covers 80.4km2 (5.8% of Fife). It has a population of 59,784 (16.3% of our total). The population in this area is predicted to increase 18% by 2036 however, in the same period, the number of older people is set to increase by 38% and the number of children by 24%.
People believe the forecast increase in numbers of children could cause issues with school places and affordable housing. The growing gap between the most and least affluent needs to be addressed by raising aspirations, creating a wider range of training, work and leisure opportunities – this will improve overall health and wellbeing.
People particularly want to see improvements in: work and local economy; moving around; streets and spaces.
The Plan 4 Kirkcaldy was approved at Local Area Committee in June 2019.
Read the full Plan 4 Kirkcaldy
Templehall Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2021
Know Kirkcaldy Area
Key research reports about the area:
- Kirkcaldy Area Local Strategic Assessment (2022)
- Fuel poverty focus on Kirkcaldy
- Kirkcaldy Area Profile
- Fife Strategic Assessment 2024
- Our Place Fife 2023
- Fife Local Area Economic Profiles 2022-23
Find out more at