Addressing the climate emergency

Addressing the climate emergency

The changing global climate due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will increasingly lead to extreme weather. In Fife, this will be experienced as flooding from rising sea levels and more frequent rainstorms which our infrastructure will struggle to cope with. We need to reduce our emissions longer term and make sure we are better able to cope with these extremes.

This means:

Current position

Fife is not immune to the impact of global climate change and early indications, such as increased flooding and changes in natural ecosystems, are already evident. Recognising this, Fife declared a climate emergency in 2019. Our infrastructure was designed for different weather patterns and for a lower sea level. This means that changes in these will have a significant impact. Erosion from both the sea and rainwater will be the main challenge for us and this could occur catastrophically or slowly over time. This has the potential to create crises if preventative action is not taken and to affect a wide range of basic infrastructure such as homes, buildings, roads, tourist locations, farmland soil and the quality of our local environment. It is vital that Fife plays its part by reducing carbon emissions from the fuel we use to the waste we throw out.

Main changes and challenges

  • We must work with communities to develop their resilience to the impacts of climate change and to determine what adaptations will be needed for unavoidable climate change
  • We need to reduce carbon emissions as part of the global effort to prevent further climate change
  • We need to transition Fife’s basic infrastructure to be resilient to extreme weather and to have net zero emissions
  • The scale of the challenge means action is needed now and at scale

How we will achieve this

Generating climate action in communities as part of a community wealth building approach

Making the changes needed to our buildings, infrastructure and businesses

Climate adaptation to reduce the impact of climate change in communities and across our assets

Ensuring we use our environmental capital and finite land resources to prevent the climate emergency and nature emergency

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