The Levenmouth area covers 69.4km2 (5% of Fife). It has a population of 37,347 (10.2% of our total). The population in this area is predicted to decrease 2% by 2036 however, in the same period, the number of older people is set to increase by 39%.
Volunteering and community involvement are seen as vital in the area and need to be encouraged to minimise social isolation of the elderly and realise the untapped tourist potential of the area. Raising aspirations for local youngsters, IT literacy for all and improving both broadband and transport connections would improve employment opportunities.
People particularly want to see improvements in: work and local economy; streets and spaces; identity and belonging.
Read the full report from the Levenmouth local strategic assessment
Neighbourhood Plans*
A number of areas were identified throughout Fife using the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), local knowledge and existing or planned work to identify areas where additional Neighbourhood Plans would be produced. In the Levenmouth Area this included a plan for Buckhaven, this was produced in conjunction with Clear Buckhaven, Buckhaven Community Council with support from Planning Aid Scotland.
*Locality Plans as per the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015
Community Led Action Plans
The Coalfields Regeneration Trust have also worked with communities to develop and implement local plans through their coalfields-community-futures programme. To find out more about these please check out the plan for your area and get further information on how to get involved.
Local projects
Know Levenmouth Area
Key research reports about the area:
- Levenmouth Area Profile
- Local Strategic Assessment 2025 Levenmouth Area
- Fife Local Area Economic Profiles 2022-23
- Fuel poverty focus on Levenmouth
- Fife Strategic Assessment 2024
- Levenmouth Area Local Strategic Assessment (2022)
- Our Place Fife 2023
Find out more at