Reducing antisocial behaviour by teaching young people new skills

Reducing antisocial behaviour by teaching young people new skills

In response to antisocial behaviour in various area across Fife, a number of early intervention or diversionary opportunities were offered to encourage young people disengaged from school, to consider alternatives to antisocial or offending behaviour.

The Fire Skills programme is for young people who have been in contact with the youth justice system, or who are on the periphery of offending behaviour. The council’s Safer Communities Team transports participants between their homes and the fire station for their sessions and help the young people get the most out of the opportunity.

In the drill yard, the course itself is led by the Fire Service. Things are kept as practical and hands on as possible, but groups are also engaged in discussions about how their behaviour impacts other people and the local area.

Sessions based on firefighter drills provide the chance to develop core skills in problem solving, basic first aid and CPR, team working, leadership, communication and citizenship. It’s designed to boost participants’ confidence as well as their understanding of the contribution we can all make within our communities.

On the final day of the programme, participants get the chance to demonstrate everything they’ve learned to their families.

boy wearing Fire uniform