Kirkcaldy Area - You Decide

You decide

Help make local decisions in the Kirkcaldy area

How would you spend
£300,000 in the Kirkcaldy area?

After a successful response from people/groups/organisations across the Kirkcaldy area, the Community Led Steering Group is now reviewing all the project applications it received ahead of the all important public vote in March to decide which projects receive funding.

The Kirkcaldy area includes Kinghorn, Burntisland, Auchtertool, Puddledub and of course Kirkcaldy.
We have to spend the money by March 2025.

Made up of residents aged 16 plus from across the area, the steering group has been working with Fife Council to manage the initial application process and is now finalising how the public vote will be carried out in March.

Kirkcaldy steering group members

Take a look the projects you'll be able to vote for

In person voting day at Adam Smith Theatre, Saturday March 15 (10am-4pm).
Then, online voting between March 16-30.

Frequently Asked Questions

To date, the group has:

  • Agreed the funding criteria for projects (see below)
  • Started planning the best way of involving local people in deciding how £300,000 will be spent across Kirkcaldy area
  • Invited approaches for the public for the development of project ideas
  • Started planning a series of local workshops across the Kirkcaldy area for people to drop in and discuss potential project idea for development
  • Will decide which projects go forward for a subsequent, fair and inclusive public vote to decide which are funded. The group will also oversee the voting

You can vote for the project(s) you'd like to see funded in the public vote that will take place in March. More information on this will be announced soon.

  • Fife Council Community Development Team based in Kirkcaldy will support and guide the steering group throughout the process.
  • Additional support will be provided by Deciding Matters
  • Support with childcare, transport and  interpretation can also be provided.
  • We will also provide refreshments and other food during meeting times.
  • Other support may also be available which removes barriers for people taking part.

We have to spend the money by March 2025 with a view to wrapping things up by April 2025. Money has to be transferred to a community group/ organisations bank account by 31st March 2025, they then have 12 months to spend it.

There will be an in person voting day held at the Adam Smith Theatre, Kirkcaldy on Saturday March 15, from 10am-4pm. Thereafter you can vote online from March 16-30.

Voting over four categories: Community and Social/Creative and Cultural/Ecology and Environmental/Leisure and Recreational) each person can cast a minimum of one vote in each category or equally a maximum of five votes in each category.

SO: a minimum of 1 vote per category ( four votes in total) and a maximum of 5 votes per category (20 votes in total) with each vote then ranked from 1 (MOST favoured) to 5 (LEAST favoured).

NOTE: each person will only have one opportunity to vote - either at the In-person voting day at Adam Smith Theatre on Sat 15; or online thereafter until the end of March -  not both!

Funding is only available for non-profit activities. You may apply as an individual if you are applying for the benefit of (or are sponsored by) a community organisation.

Community organisations – including local uniformed organisations – may apply where they provide a service in, or of benefit to, their local area.

Any application must be for activities/events/resources relating to one or more of the following themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing: ideas or projects promoting mental and physical wellness, including those seeking to address issues such as social isolation, addiction, promoting healthy eating and physical activity. This includes projects to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable groups; build confidence, skills and resilience and help to bring people together to create positive personal and community change.
  • Building community spirit: ideas/projects bringing people together to create positive change in a local area through volunteering, befriending, mentorship, community events and cohesion activities.
  • Cost of living: ideas/projects providing local response to the cost-of-living crisis and supporting local people. Initiatives might include addressing food insecurity; provision of specialist advice or support; making existing facilities financially accessible for more people and creating warm, welcoming spaces for people during Winter.
  • Green projects: Ideas/projects that would have a positive impact on the environment, including projects that promote repair, reuse, recycling; community growing initiatives; active travel projects (walking, cycling, and wheeling); projects that raise awareness of our environment and how we protect it.
What can’t  “You Decide” fund?
  • Applications from schools – these are the responsibility of local authorities. However, the likes of Parent Councils/Associations can apply for extra activities over and above the normal learning and teaching if they enhance and benefit the wider community. It’s recommended applicants include evidence that young people have contributed to the application. If multiple applications are submitted from one school (e.g., sports groups/parent councils) this might reduce the chances of all being funded – please discuss with your school.
  • Applications from public sector staff to run projects as part of their wider, paid remit
  • Political or religious activities – though applications are welcome from faith groups if they are for wider, local, community work
  • Routine maintenance and repairs
  • Routine running costs (salaries/utilities/rates/rents/insurance, etc...)
  • More than one application per person/organisation
  • Applications for funds that is then distributed to others like a grant
  • Private businesses. However, applications are welcome from social enterprise and other community business (e.g., CICs), but the project must meet the rest of the criteria outlined above

By applying for funding, you confirm that you have the following policies and processes in place. If not, please contact for further support:

  • Any relevant insurance required to carry out your proposal
  • An Equal Opportunities policy. If your group or project is not open to all (e.g.: only for a certain gender or age group) we encourage you to expand on this in your application.
  • An up-to-date PVG if your proposal involves working with young children and/or vulnerable adults
  • Either you own bank account, or if your organisation does not have one, please identify an organisation willing to host the funds for you if successful in securing funding

We may ask to see evidence of these documents as part of the application our grant award process

Kirkcaldy Area map

To view additional map options and information select the icon in the top left corner of the map. Google My Maps open legend icon


Evaluation will be threaded throughout the process

  • October/November 2024

    Project ideas

    Development of ideas for projects to be considered for funding. Face to face and online engagements will take place.

  • 8 December 2024

    Project application deadline

  • December 2024

    Project evaluation

    Applications assessed against agreed criteria by steering group

  • 10 January 2025

    Announce projects

    Publish final project details going to public vote and how to get involved

  • January/February 2025


    Opportunities to engage with project sponsors/aaplicants, deliberate through face to face and online channels

  • 15-30 March 2025


    In person voting day at Adam Smith Theatre, Saturday March 15 (10am-4pm).
    Then, online voting between March 16-30.

  • Early April 2025

    Announce results

  • Late April 2025

    Payment of awards

Late April 2025 - 31 March 2026
Evaluation Support, monitoring and evaluation of projects

Our Kirkcaldy Area - discover more about the area