North East Fife

Our Vision

We want North East Fife to be a place where all residents enjoy a good quality of life, tourists are keen to visit, and opportunity exists for all. We want to join up communities, providing opportunities for all age groups and building on the vibrant community spirit that exists. We want to promote and increase access to our assets and facilities, including our natural heritage and renowned tourist attractions, with the resulting benefits spread across the area.

With this vision in mind, our Plan 4 North East Fife sets out what we're going to do over the next 3 years to achieve this - and how we're going to do it.

Click here to read more about our Plan 4 North East Fife 2023-26

The North East Fife area covers 778.1km2 (56.5% of Fife). It has a population of 73,405 (20% of our total). The population in this area is predicted to decrease 9% by 2036 however, in the same period, the number of older people is set to increase by 27%.

The marked increase forecast in the elderly population raises concerns about support networks, particularly for those living in rural areas with little family support. There are concerns that accessing health care could be difficult with potential changes to public transport. Connectivity – mobile, broadband and physical transport networks are viewed as limited and tourism spend could be spread more broadly in the area.

People particularly want to see improvements in: moving around; traffic and parking

View the North East Fife Local Strategic Assessment 2022

Know North East Fife Area

Key research reports about the area:

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